Isn't she worth it? I think so!

Happy October!
2020 is almost over. With all that has transpired in the last few months I don't think any of us will be sad to see it go. And though we've had so much to contend with I'm still in the mood to celebrate. I've watched the women in my life do extraordinary things, sometimes those things included simply getting out of bed in the morning.
Every single one of us knows one or two women that is getting it done. Despite everything. We’re still running households and businesses, we’re raising children and our voices. We’re pursuing higher education and a seat at the table. We’re caring for sick and/or elderly parents and we’re supporting our partners and the causes that we believe in.
We’re the heartbeat of this thing!
We’re changemakers and gamechangers, we’re do-gooders and overcomers. We’re mavericks and champions. We rest, we don’t quit. We don’t take no for an answer because we can’t. We do what seems impossible because our convictions are that strong. We mobilize and strategize. We strike while the iron is hot and pass the torch when the time comes.
And oh wait. . . that’s all before dinnertime on some days.
The nesting boxes I keep in my home are full of cards and letters sent to me by the women who have made a huge impact on my life.
Occasionally I crack a box open when I need to smile. They’re subtle reminders of the road I’ve travelled, they’re notes of love and appreciation and encouragement. Even a game changer and a maverick needs a pick me up from time to time.
Today I want to encourage you to send a note to a woman whose life you’ve admired. Someone whose story inspires you to do that thing that scares you, whose advice gave you the courage to be more of your authentic self or whose example motivates you to keep moving in the direction of that dream. Give her her props, let her know that she’s making an impact.
Little known fact about me, I do this all the time. Each month I choose 5 women to who I’m either personally connected or whose business I’ve watched blossom from afar.
Back in 2008 when I first started She’s Got Papers, I wrote notes to Mellody Hobson and to Malaak Compton Rock telling them how much I admired what they’d done in their careers. Both of them wrote back to me.
I know we're all more overwhelmed than we've ever been? But think of what a difference it would make to someone if you made this your weekly practice?
Here’s 3 people to start with:
- A note to an old friend letting her know just how much her years of friendship have meant to you.
- A letter of appreciation to a mentor in your head praising her example. It’s because she’s been successful that you feel as though you can too.
- A letter to a friend who’s child has a birthday coming up. Let her know that she’s doing a phenomenal job.
Every day, every month, every week we’re making it happen. The words you write in the note you send will touch someone enough that it will be in their nesting box 20 years from now.